20 Easy Fall STEM Activities for Kids

As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and orange and the air gets a little crisper, it's the perfect time to engage kids in hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities. Fall provides a beautiful backdrop for interactive learning experiences that stimulate young minds. In this blog post, we've put together 20 easy and exciting STEM activities, complete with step-by-step directions to guide you through each adventure.

1. Leaf Identification:

Directions: Collect fallen leaves from your school yard. Use a field guide or a leaf identification app like Seek to learn about the different types of leaves you find.

2. Pumpkin Geometry:

Directions: Get a pumpkin and carve geometric shapes (like triangles, squares, or circles) into its surface. Explore the properties of these shapes.

3. Apple Volcano:

Directions: Hollow out an apple and fill it with baking soda. Pour vinegar into the apple and watch it erupt like a volcano.

4. Pine Cone Bird Feeders:

Directions: Gather pine cones and cover them in peanut butter. Roll them in birdseed and hang them in your yard to attract birds.

5. Candy Corn Catapults:

Directions: Build a simple catapult using craft sticks and rubber bands. Use it to launch candy corn and observe how it flies.

6. Fall Math Walk:

Directions: Go on a nature walk and count different items you find, such as leaves, acorns, or animal tracks. Keep a tally or take photos or use Seek to find out more information about the items you found.

7. Pumpkin Seed Math:

Directions: Count the seeds in a pumpkin and graph the data. You can also roast the seeds for a tasty snack.

8. Scarecrow Engineering:

Directions: Design and build a scarecrow using old clothes, straw, and a support structure like a wooden post.

9. Autumn Constellations:

Directions: On a clear night, go stargazing and identify constellations visible during the fall season. Use a stargazing app like Star Chart to help.

10. Leaf Chromatography:

Directions: Collect colourful leaves and perform chromatography by placing them on filter paper and adding rubbing alcohol.

11. Weather Observations:

Directions: Keep a daily weather journal. Record temperature, humidity, and any changes in the weather. Compare over time.

12. Pumpkin Life Cycle:

Directions: Study the life cycle of a pumpkin from seed to fruit. Document each stage with drawings or photographs. You can also read Pumpkin Jack by William Hubbard and learn about the decomposition of pumpkins to re-growth.

13. Spider Web Geometry:

Directions: Examine spider webs and discuss the geometry and symmetry in their designs.

14. Solar Oven S'mores:

Directions: Create a simple solar oven using a cardboard box and aluminum foil. Use it to make delicious s'mores.

15. Fall Foliage Science:

Directions: Learn about the science behind the changing colors of leaves in the fall. Investigate the pigments responsible. Watch Why do Leaves Change Colours?

16. DIY Thermometer:

Directions: Make a homemade thermometer using a plastic bottle, water, and a straw.


  • Empty glass soda bottle

  • Measuring cup

  • ½ cup of water

  • ½ cup of rubbing alcohol (with adult supervision)

  • Food colouring

  • Clear straw

  • Modeling clay

  • Permanent marker

1. Fill the glass bottle with water.
2. Pour rubbing alcohol into the bottle.
3. Add a few drops of food coloring and gently mix by swirling the liquid.
4. Insert a straw into the bottle, making sure it reaches the colored water but doesn't touch the bottom.
5. Secure the straw at the top of the bottle using modeling clay, leaving the top uncovered.
6. Place the thermometer in the sun and wait for the liquid to rise.
7. Mark the top of the liquid level on the outside of the bottle using a marker and write the date next to the line.
8. Did the liquid in the thermometer rise after being in the sun? How long did it take?
9. Did the liquid rise fast or slow?
10. Use the marker to mark the liquid level and date on the bottle each day at the same location and time for a week.
11. Compare the temperature with previous measurements and earlier days of the week.
12. How does the temperature affect our clothing choices? Observe and learn from the thermometer's readings.

17. Nature Art:

Directions: Collect leaves, acorns, and other natural materials to create artwork, like leaf rubbings, collages or mandalas.

18. Soil Investigation:

Directions: Dig into the soil and explore its layers. Discuss its composition and any interesting findings.

19. Pumpkin Catapults:

Directions: Build small catapults using craft materials and launch mini pumpkins. Measure the distance they travel.

20. Leaf Rubbings:

Directions: Place leaves under a piece of paper and rub crayons over them to create beautiful leaf rubbings.

This fall, embark on a journey of discovery and learning with your students or children through these engaging STEM activities. Each activity comes with clear directions to guide you along the way. Whether you're exploring the magic of leaf identification or conducting exciting science experiments with pumpkins and apples, these activities promise to make this fall season one of exploration, fun, and hands-on education. So, gather your materials, unleash your curiosity, and let the STEM adventures of autumn begin!


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