Gafe Summit Ottawa

Well the GAFE Summit has come and gone. What an amazing 2 days of learning and connecting. I absolutely loved meeting people I follow on Twitter face to face and connecting more with educators I admire and respect.

Me, Crystal Lake (@clake04), Sue Scott (@inspire_peace72)

James Petersen (@jpetersen02), Emily Fitzpatrick (@ugdsb_missfitz), Chris Webb (@Crippit), Shauna Pollock (@misspollock), Tiiu Tsao (@tiiut), and me

me, James Petersen (@jpetersen02),  Chris Webb (@Crippit), and Emily Fitzpatrick (@ugdsb_missfitz)

I learned so much for the sessions and from others and I’m so excited that there will be another GAFE Summit next year on October 17th and 18th 2015. Make sure you save the date.

Most details posts to come after I take a nap.


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Blogging as a Teaching Portfolio