Global Edu Student Chat #GlobalEdSSChat

I’ve known about the Global Edu Student Chat for a while now. I’ve put it into my calendar for my students and I to participate in. Every month I forget or something comes up. I’m not sure why I shied away from this chat, it is everything I believe in.

Today: January 12, 2021, was the day. The week before the Tweet and Talk, my class had been working on goal setting, choosing one word for 2021, and creating a vision board of a life they wanted. We were ready to go for this Twitter discussion all about Motivation and Goal Setting.

Last week I put questions on our Google Classroom Stream, but they remained unanswered.

So today, I put all the questions in a Google doc and gave my students tips and tricks about how to answer the Twitter Chat questions.

They worked on answering the questions and I reminded them to put in their initials and the hashtag #GlobalEdSSChat.

At 1 pm I presented my entire screen with 2 different windows open side by side. One showing the youtube live video of students talking about the questions and the other window with the Tweetdeck of the Twitter Hashtag. The students watched the youtube video and I submitted their tweets. My students were thrilled to be mentioned in the YouTube Video by our class Twitter Handle and the initials of those students who wrote Tweets.

Asking for feedback from my students is essential for my planning and their learning. After the Tweet and Talk, I asked them what they thought of the Student Chat and asked if they would want to participate again. See below for their answers

I would HIGHLY recommend the Global Edu Student Chat for all classes. It provides a chance for students to practice Digital Citizenship, connect with other kids (which is lacking right now due to COVID), and let them know that their voice is important.  To learn more, check out their website here. We will definitely be participating again.


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