Global Play Day

Global Play Day

Global Play Day is a movement that is raising awareness about the importance of unstructured play for children. It is a whole school day where the students come to school to play-all day long!

The Rules:

  • No structure

  • No screens or toys with batteries

  • No interference from teacher unless necessary

When I first read about this day, I immediately thought that even though my Grade 6 students are amazing  and well behaved that they couldn’t handle it. My mind immediately went to chaos, fighting and mess.

The only instructions I gave my class was to bring in toys. No electronics and battery toys allowed.

Here are some pictures of how we spent our day.

I asked my students at the end of the day what they thought about our day. Here is some non edited quotes from them.


I learned today that there are more ways to have fun than always playing at your gadgets.-H.B

That there is much more ways to let time pass by or learn by doing non electronic -A.A<3

I think that it’s good that we’re dedicating a day to playing with toys that don’t contain batteries or screens (Ipads, Iphones, Ipods, Androids, PS3 ect.). I think it’s better for kids that spend a lot of their day on electronics to see that board games and toys can also be fun. -L

I think that global fun day is really awesome and it’s important for students to have a break and do whatever they want in a good way . We had lots of fun playing with our friends , and our class always uses electronics and we had a break of electronics too . We had so much Fun – L.J

I really like the idea that we are having a global play day, because so much people in the world use way too much electronic and I am not going to lie I am one of those people,but I wanna stop using it it too much this day helped me. -H.M.  <3  

I think that global school play day is important, because i learned that you CAN live and have fun without the internet or wifi! – H.A.

I think it’s great that we get to have a chance to be kids without using electronics and getting to embrace who we are -<L.A. +  +

I think that it’s a great way to get to know everybody and give people a break. L.M.

I think that it was great to not use any electronics all day and it was a great experience – A.D.

I think that it was fun and smart to have a fun day because we express ourselves and play with our friends and get the sillies out for the week -A.A- >.< loved it.

today was awesome because we had fun – I.H.

we had a awesome day because we enjoyed so much-Y.


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