Goal Setting in the Classroom

This year I’ve been really focusing on real world learning and cross curricular planning with the help of 3 amazing teachers I’ve been co-planning with. Personally I’ve been working on myself and creating the life I want through goal setting. I’ve been using Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters to set purposeful, meaningful goals. I see the benefit and advantage to setting these goals and know my students would too.

I met with my colleague, Tammara Smith and we decided to get our classes together to learn about this together. We decided to start with some brainstorming about our lives and then watch and sketchnote some Ted Talks to encourage and inspire our students.

Here is what we have worked though so far.

* A quick note: We would always watch the videos 1-2 times and then discuss what we learned from them, what the main message was or the students connections or questions.

  1. Dream Journal Introduction

    1. What is Sketchnoting

    2. Pep Talk with Kid President 

  2. What can adults learn from kids

  3. There’s more to life than being Happy

  4. Dream Journal Creation

    1. Each student gets journal which they put their name on and name it something like Dream Journal

    2. Draw/Sketch/Brainstorm What’s important to me?

    3. Draw/Sketch/Brainstorm Interests

  5. Living Beyond Limits by Amy Purdy

  6. Want to Change the World? Start by being brave enough to care by Cleo Wade

  7. The Skill of Confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph

  8. Setting Goals that Matter by Samantha Kris

  9. Free Goal Book from TeachersPayTeachers

  10. Choosing the Right Goals Article

  11. Goal Setting Groups

    1. The Key to Progress: Mini Goals Article Read Aloud

    2. Students share their Main Goal on Padlet

  12. We grouped the students into goal groups and got the groups together to get specific about what they want to get better at/learn about…

    1. fitness

    2. art

    3. subject improvement

    4. career

    5. babysitter’s

  13. By getting more information about exactly what the students wanted to get better at.

  14. Names What do I want to work on? How am I doing now at this? What is my plan to get better? How will I know/show I’m getting better?

  15. Every week are giving students time to practice and work on their goals. They needed to show each week what they were working on and how they spent their time. We also created time for students to check in with their goal groups to help support each other and discuss the struggles they are having.

    1. Select 1-3 specific goals that you want to get better at.

      1. Prepare your “Before” snapshot via picture/writing/video to show that talent you already have

    2. Find “how-to” youtube videos/resources for your specific goals.

    3. Find a “mentor”/role model that is great at what you want to learn

    4. Practice

    5. Document your “After” Snapshot via picture/writing/video to show that talent you have learned



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