Why Every Ontario Educator Needs Self-Compassion: Join the Resilient Rebels Book Club on Fable!

Let’s be real for a minute. Teaching these days? It’s no walk in the park. Between the “Pinterest-worthy” classrooms, the endless to-do lists, and those emails that seem to pop up at 3 a.m. (because, apparently, that’s when administrators think of "urgent" tasks), the pressure can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to forget that you matter in all this chaos.

But here’s a wild thought: what if we stopped for a moment and gave ourselves the same compassion we give to our students every day? Imagine that.

Enter “Self-Compassion for Educators” by Lisa Baylis – the perfect book to remind you that it’s okay to take a breath (or two, or twenty) and be kind to yourself. And guess what? The Resilient Rebels are diving into this book for our next Book Club pick on Fable, and we want you to join us!

What’s the Deal with the Resilient Rebels Book Club?

First, let’s get one thing straight: this is NOT your average book club. We’re busy teachers, too. We get that finding time to read can sometimes feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. So, we’re keeping it low-pressure.

Here’s how it works:

- It’s Free – Yep, you read that right. Totally free to join!

- Read at Your Own Pace – There’s no rush, no deadlines. Pick up the book when you can, read a chapter or two, and when you’re ready, hop onto Fable to connect with other educators.

- Connect When You Can – You know that “guilty” feeling when you don’t finish the reading for your other book clubs? Yeah, we’re not about that life. Pop in when you want, share your thoughts, or just read others’ reflections.

Why You Need “Self-Compassion for Educators” in Your Life

Let’s face it – self-compassion doesn’t always come naturally for teachers. We’re used to pouring everything into our students, our classrooms, and, let’s be honest, sometimes into making our bulletin boards look just right. But when’s the last time you poured anything back into yourself?

Lisa Baylis’s “Self-Compassion for Educators” helps us break that cycle of burnout and self-criticism. It’s packed with practical strategies that’ll have you reflecting, recharging, and rethinking how you treat yourself in this wild world of teaching.

Baylis offers tools that help us give ourselves permission to be human – to make mistakes, to not have it all figured out, and to stop feeling guilty about not being “perfect” (whatever that even means). She reminds us that we can’t pour from an empty cup, and she shows us how to fill that cup with kindness, self-acceptance, and a whole lot of grace.

👉 Want to snag your own copy? Get “Self-Compassion for Educators” on Amazon. And yes, this is an affiliate link, so if you purchase through it, I make a small commission – which helps keep the Resilient Rebels movement going strong!

Join Us on Fable and in the Resilient Rebels Facebook Group!

Ready to connect with other Ontario educators who get what it’s like out there? Join our Resilient Rebels Book Club on Fable and let’s dive into this incredible book together. We’ll be chatting, reflecting, and maybe even sharing some of our biggest “aha” moments from the book. Plus, when you join, you’ll be part of a community of teachers who are all about resilience, innovation, and collaboration.

(Oh, and did I mention the occasional witty banter? Because there will be some of that, too.)

While you’re at it, don’t forget to join the Resilient Rebels Facebook group for even more connection and support. It’s where the real magic happens – and where we’ll continue these conversations beyond the book.


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