Today I introduced KidBlogs to my class. To give you some background knowledge: they are Grade 6,7,8 students who are very low and have behavior issues.

Kid Blogs was a HUGE HIT.  I wrote a blurb about how they are all going to become bloggers and I told them what a blog what. One student yelled out “YES!” I was thrilled. We only have 50 minutes to set up 15 accounts. My goal of the day was to get them to update their password, choose a theme, and then write a post about their favourite things in list format.  They were so patient and excited about it. Most of them finished their post and then they went crazy commenting on others posts. I really wanted to make sure this group kept their posts as well as their comments APPROPRIATE. We reviewed this poster.

I put their blogs on lockdown. This means that every post and comment goes through me first to make sure it is appropriate and follows the above rules. This turned out not to be a problem at all.

The students went home and did more posting at home. One student even showed her father and he posted!

I’m going to use their blogs as a journal. I’m going to show them youtube videos, pictures, or articles and they are going to respond to them and then comment on others.

I would really encourage anyone else to try this! I’m so excited!


What I wish I knew as a new Occasional Teacher for the OCDSB