Project Proud

Project Proud

After I attended an Experiential Learning Workshop and was dying for an opportunity to guide my class into a meaningful project. Then the opportunity arises. One of my students drew on the gym floor.

I was beyond upset. I’ve been working so hard to plan awesome field trips, include student voice and choice in my classroom and yet, they are disrespectful to our school and classroom.

We had a discussion about the drawing on the floor. I asked why they are so disrespectful to our classroom and school. Through the conversation that some of the students weren’t proud of being a student at our school. I asked how can we make all students proud to go to school here?

Together, we brainstormed ideas. Project Proud was born!

  • survey-enjoying school/how we can make it better

  • celebrating birthdays

  • school yard clean up

  • Playground for Juniors

  • sorting garbage/recycling

  • MacSkimming

  • shovel snow into huge hill

  • Camping trip +canoe

  • Quiet time

  • Drawing Battle

  • sleds

  • Genius Hour

  • VIP of the week

  • Scavenger Hunt

  • Helpers/Jobs

  • 100’s day

  • Whole School activity

  • Buddies-art/math/Reading

  • Escape Rooms + Escape Room Questions

  • Games Buddies

In groups, students chose one suggestion they were excited about and began working on it.

Students also wrote an email to our Principal inviting him to our classroom to hear what we are working on. He is coming on Monday. Monday we will be working on writing presentations and pitches to tell him what we are doing, why we are doing it and convincing him to approve some of our projects.

Wish us good luck!


Experiential Learning Workshop


Ikea Collaboration