WITH philosophy

This year I’m trying a new teaching philosophy and I’m calling it my WITH project.

I am going to do everything WITH my students from designing our classroom, to what and how we learn. Even my grades and discipline matters will be decided WITH them. That means a lot of discussions and conferences but I’m so excited for this change.

The core ideas behind WITH is:

World connections through skype, Projects by Jen, and Global Read Aloud.

Independent means that they are in charge of their learning, they go get the materials they need, they sit and learn how they want to.

Their Voice Matters means showing my students that they matter through blogging, skyping, asking questions.

Honesty is essential when working in this philosophy. I’m asking my students to be 100% honest with me so I can truly help them.

Thanks to Pernille Ripp for her amazing book Passionate Learners which pushed me in this direction!


Classroom Set up and reflecting on my WITH philosophy


My experience becoming a Google Educator and some tips