Bringing Joy to Your Classroom: Week of September 25th

As Ontario teachers, we know that learning is not just about textbooks and assignments; it's about fostering curiosity, nurturing creativity, and making lasting memories. With that spirit in mind, let's explore how to infuse excitement into your classroom for the upcoming week, from September 25th to September 29th. These themed days offer unique opportunities for fun and learning. From celebrating World Comic Day to embracing the flavors of World Dumpling Day, sipping on National Chocolate Milk Day, honoring World Maritime Day, and saving the adorable Koalas on Save the Koala Day, we've curated prep-free activities with links to make your classroom a hub of joy and education.

September 25th: World Comic Day

**Activity 1: Create Your Comic Strip**

Invite your students to create their own comic strips or graphic novels with Pixton. This easy-to-use online tool allows students to design characters, add dialogue, and tell their own visual stories.

**Activity 2: Character Development Workshop**

Encourage creativity by having students design and describe their original comic book characters. Use Scholastic's Character Profile Template to help them develop unique personalities, backstories, and powers.

**Activity 3: Comic Book Analysis**

Explore the world of comic books and graphic novels by analyzing renowned works. Websites like Comic Book Resources offer insights into classic and contemporary comics. Discuss themes, art styles, and storytelling techniques.

September 26th: World Dumpling Day

**Activity 1: Dumpling Tasting Tour**

Transform your classroom into a global culinary journey. Provide students with various types of dumplings from different cuisines or regions. Use Cultural Elements to learn about dumplings from around the world.

**Activity 2: Dumpling Math Challenge**

Incorporate math into the dumpling fun by having students calculate proportions for dumpling fillings. Discuss fractions, measurements, and recipe conversions while making dumplings.

**Activity 3: Cultural Dumpling Presentations**

Assign each student a specific type of dumpling from a different culture. They can research its history, ingredients, and cultural significance, and then present their findings to the class.

September 27th: National Chocolate Milk Day

**Activity 1: Chocolate Milk Science**

Explore the science behind chocolate milk. Investigate topics like emulsification, solubility, and density. Use Dairy Goodness for educational resources.

**Activity 2: Chocolate Milk Art**

Combine creativity and culinary delight by having students create chocolate milk art. They can design intricate patterns and shapes on the surface of their chocolate milk using toothpicks.

**Activity 3: Chocolate Milk History**

Delve into the history of chocolate milk, tracing its origins and evolution. Discuss its cultural significance and how it has evolved over time as a beloved beverage.

September 28th: World Maritime Day

**Activity 1: Ocean Exploration**

Take your students on a virtual underwater adventure with National Geographic's Ocean Education. Explore marine ecosystems, creatures, and conservation efforts.

**Activity 2: World Maritime History**

Investigate the history of maritime exploration, from early voyages to modern shipping. Encourage students to research famous explorers and their discoveries.

**Activity 3: Maritime Math**

Integrate math into maritime learning by solving real-world problems related to navigation, ship building, and cargo logistics.

September 29th: Save the Koala Day

**Activity 1: Koala Habitat Simulation**

Create a hands-on experience by simulating a koala's habitat in your classroom. Discuss the challenges koalas face and how conservation efforts can make a difference.

**Activity 2: Fundraising for Koalas**

Empower your students to become conservation heroes by organizing a fundraiser to support koala conservation organizations like Koala Foundation.

**Activity 3: Koala Art Project**

Inspire creativity and advocacy by having students create artwork that raises awareness about koala conservation. They can use their art to convey the importance of protecting these iconic creatures.

Bringing joy into your Ontario classroom is not only about fostering a love for learning but also creating memorable experiences. These themed days offer a unique chance to do just that. With prep-free activities and valuable online resources, you can make each day special for your students. So, Ontario teachers, get ready to embark on a week of fun, exploration, and education with these exciting themes. Happy teaching!

Please share your activities online and tag me in your posts!

If you're interested in expanding your classroom toolkit with journal prompts and accessing the Funday Calendar to keep the joy flowing year-round, you're in luck! You can purchase these valuable resources right here. With journal prompts that encourage reflection and creative expression, and the Fun Day Calendar to help you plan exciting activities every day, your classroom will become a haven of inspiration and delight.


Bringing Joy to Your Classroom: Week of October 2nd


Bringing Joy to Your Classroom-Week of Sept 18th