Bringing Joy to Your Classroom: Week of October 2nd

As Ontario teachers, let’s explore how to infuse excitement into your classroom for the upcoming week, from October 2nd to October 6th. These themed days offer unique opportunities for fun and learning. From celebrating the unsung heroes on National Custodian Day to savoring the sweetness of National Fruit at Work Day, discussing global trade on Free Trade Day, appreciating educators on World Teacher Day, and embracing the world of knowledge on Canadian Library Month, we've prepared prep-free activities with helpful resources and websites to make your classroom a hub of joy and education.

October 2nd: National Custodian Day

Activity 1: Gratitude Cards Encourage your students to create heartfelt thank-you cards for your school's custodial staff. Expressing gratitude is a meaningful way to celebrate these unsung heroes.

Activity 2: Custodian Appreciation Art Organize an art project where students can paint or draw portraits of custodial staff. Display the artwork in your school as a tribute to their hard work and dedication.

Activity 3: Custodian Interview Invite a custodian to your classroom for an interview. Students can ask questions about their daily routines, challenges, and the importance of their role in maintaining a clean and safe school environment.

October 3rd: National Fruit at Work Day

Activity 1: Fruit Tasting Party Transform your classroom into a fruit haven. Encourage students to bring various fruits to share, taste, and learn about. Discuss the nutritional benefits and the importance of healthy eating.

Activity 2: Fruit Artistry Combine creativity and nutrition by having students create fruit-inspired artwork. They can use real fruits as stamps or paint still-life compositions.

Activity 3: Fruit Facts Challenge Turn fruit facts into a game. Create a quiz or trivia challenge about different fruits and their unique characteristics. Use Fruits and Veggies More Matters for information.

October 4th: Free Trade Day

Activity 1: Trade Simulation Introduce students to the concept of international trade through a simulation activity. Play Win Win with your class.

Activity 2: Trade Debates Organize classroom debates on the advantages and disadvantages of free trade. Encourage critical thinking and research skills.

Activity 3: Trade and Economics Lesson Delve into the world of economics with a lesson on free trade. Explore the principles of supply and demand, tariffs, and trade barriers. You can find educational resources on websites like Investopedia and Council on Foreign Relations.

October 5th: World Teacher Day

Activity 1: Teacher Appreciation Letters Encourage your students to write heartfelt letters to their favorite teachers, expressing their gratitude and appreciation.

Activity 2: "My Teacher is a Superhero" Art Have students create artwork depicting their teachers as superheroes. Celebrate the impact educators have on young minds.

Activity 3: Teacher Spotlight Highlight the achievements and contributions of teachers from around the world. Share stories of inspiring educators to motivate your students. You can find stories and resources on websites like and Education International.

October 6th: Canadian Library Month

Activity 1: Library Visit: Plan a class visit to your school's library or a local library. Encourage students to explore new books, conduct research, and discover the wealth of knowledge available.

Activity 2: Book Talks: Organize book talks where students can share their favorite books and why they recommend them. This promotes a love for reading.

Activity 3: Library Card Drive: Encourage students to sign up for library cards if they don't have one already. Discuss the benefits of libraries and the resources they offer.


Infusing joy into your Ontario classroom is about creating a love for learning and fostering memorable experiences. These themed days offer unique opportunities to achieve just that. With prep-free activities and helpful online resources, you can make each day special for your students. Ontario teachers, get ready for an exciting week of fun, exploration, and education with these engaging themes. Happy teaching!


Bringing Joy to Your Classroom: Week of October 9th


Bringing Joy to Your Classroom: Week of September 25th