Exit Outcomes

Exit Outcomes

With the COVID isolation, I decided to spend some of my time planning well for next year. I always get excited about next year. It’s a blank slate. A fresh start. A chance to do better and teach better.

A colleague and I decided that next year we will jump into an experiential learning year next year. We have been planning and I’m sure I will share more about that soon. But next year I really want my students to own their learning, to be their best, to learn real things and love learning.

I have heard of gamification in the classroom many times and have been interested in learning about it. Anything that can promote engaged learning is right up my alley. I had a thought about turning the 21st Century learning skills into badges that the students will actively try to learn through our experiential learning year/adventure. I decided with a suggestion from Cameron Jones, a teacher at the OCDSB, to use the OCDSB Exit Outcomes. To learn more about the OCDSB Exit Outcomes, please click here.

I turned each Exit Outcome into a badge with at least 4 levels if not more. To see them, click on this link. I’m currently trying to figure out the expectations for each level of badge. If you have any suggestions or resources for me to check out, I’d really appreciate it.


I’m also trying to figure out an easy way to keep track and be able to add badges to students’ portfolios. I thought that having a class slide deck and then having a slide per student may be the easiest way to do it. As the students progress, adding the level that the student is working on at that time might be the easiest way. Students could have view-only access to the slide deck as well so they can see at any time what they can work on next. Check out the template slide deck here.

This is a work in progress. I’d love some feedback!


Kid Leaders


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