Getting Ready for Back-to-School: My Game Plan

Feeling the Back-to-School Buzz

Hey there, teachers! Can you believe it's that time of year again? The Back-to-School buzz is in full swing, and I'm here to spill the beans on how I'm gearing up for the upcoming adventure. Get ready to dive into my pre-back-to-school playbook and see how I'm getting everything in shipshape for the big day.

Firstly Eduboundaries!

Firstly, I’m setting a bunch of Eduboundaries with the help of my Year Start Mastery Course. Education benefits greatly from teachers spending their own money and their own personal time working and I’ve decided that this year I really need to set a bunch of boundaries to help me feel positive, safe and have energy left throughout the year.

Here are the boundaries I’m setting.

What eduboundaries are you setting this year? If you need some help to set some up, my Year Start Mastery Course is the perfect course to help you feel your best for your best year yet!

Getting All Techie with Google Folders

Alright, let's talk about the digital game plan. I'm not just diving into the classroom headfirst – I'm diving into Google folders. Yep, you heard me right! I'm cooking up personalized Google folders for each student. These folders are like their own little online havens, packed with all the stuff they'll need throughout the year – assignments, resources, you name it.

But here's the kicker: I'm not keeping these folders to myself. Oh no! I'm sharing them with each student individually. It's like rolling out the red carpet for their learning journey. And honestly, it's a way to tell them, "Hey, I'm all in on your success!" Personalized organization for the win!

The easiest way to do this is to first create a Google Sheet with the names of students, their corresponding classes and email addresses. Install the Document Studio add-on for Google Sheets. Open the spreadsheet with the student data and click on Extensions > Document Studio > Open to launch the add-on. Create a new workflow inside Document studio, give it a descriptive name like “Create Student Folders” and click on the “Continue” button to add a task. It will save you tons of time.

Let's Get Acquainted: Meet the Teacher Time

Now, let's fast forward to the "Meet the Teacher" shindig. This is the moment when the classroom transforms from a room of desks into a community of eager learners. And I'm not just there to talk syllabuses and schedules. Nope, I'm spicing it up with a heartfelt "Meet the Teacher" note.

In that note, I'm not holding back. I'm spilling the beans about my teaching mojo and what I'm stoked about for the school year. I believe that by giving a peek behind the curtain, I'm opening the door for some awesome teacher-student-parent teamwork. Because, let's be real, education is a team sport!

This year, I’m sending home the below Meet the Teacher note (just missing my contact information) as well as a technology permission form, and a code of conduct copy and pasted from my board policy.

Data Crunching and Heart-to-Hearts

Okay, let's get cozy with some data. But don't worry, I'm not turning into a robot! I'm using student Google forms and parent forms to really get to know the folks in my classroom. These forms aren't just about academics – they're about getting inside each student's noggin and understanding what makes them tick.

And guess what? Parents are in on the action too. They're sharing insights that are pure gold. This data-driven approach isn't just about numbers; it's about shaping my teaching to fit each student's style. Plus, it's like building a communication bridge between home and school. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Here is a copy of my Parent and Student form that I’m going to send home as soon as I get my class list.

Parent Survey:

Student Survey:

Safety First and All About Inclusion

Hold on tight, because safety is taking the stage. Before the school bell rings, I'm making sure I've got my safety plans in check. It's not just about fire drills – it's about creating an environment where everyone feels safe, physically and emotionally. Open talks about safety plans are like building trust foundations.

And speaking of inclusion, I'm diving deep into those IEPs. Those are the Individualized Education Plans, and they're like the secret recipe for making sure every student feels valued and supported. It's about understanding that learning isn't one-size-fits-all. By reviewing IEPs, I'm sending a message that we're all in this together.

Ready for Takeoff

As I'm gearing up for the back-to-school bonanza, I'm grinning ear to ear. This isn't just about pencils and textbooks; it's about embarking on a journey of growth, discovery, and good times. From the digital realm of Google folders to the heart-to-heart connections during "Meet the Teacher," it's all about setting the stage for something amazing.

So, get ready, because we're about to blast off into a new school year filled with laughter, learning, and endless possibilities. Let's do this!


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