Organize Your Teaching Resources with a Free Template for Teachers

As spring rolls around we all start cleaning our homes, purging our closets, and putting away our Winter gear. We forgot that our cleaning needs to happen in our teaching career as well. So where do we need to clean, where is our metaphorical closet and dumping ground? Our Google Drive of course! It’s time to organize your teaching resources on your Google Drive and give it a good Spring Cleaning! Here are some easy ways and a free download that can help you keep your teaching resources organized and honestly, save you hours of searching for that perfect lesson.

Here are some tips for organizing your Google Drive:

  1. Delete unnecessary files: Take a look at your Drive and delete any files that are no longer relevant or needed. This will help clear up space and make it easier to find the files you actually need. Search for ‘Untitled’ documents, you will find a ton that you forgot to even label. You can also install Organizer & Duplicate Remover for Google Drive and it will help you get rid of some unwanted items.

  2. Create folders: Create folders for different categories of files, such as subjects, student work, and professional development. This will help you quickly locate the files you need and keep them organized.

  3. Use subfolders: Within each main folder, create subfolders to further categorize your files. For example, within the lesson plans folder, you could create subfolders for each subject or grade level.

  4. Use consistent naming conventions: Use consistent naming conventions for your files to make them easy to identify. For example, use a format like “Subject_Grade_Level_Lesson Title.”

To help you get started with organizing your Google Drive, I’ve created a free downloadable Google Drive folder template. This template includes a main folder for each subject, student work, and professional development, as well as subfolders within each main folder.

To download this template, please sign up for my newsletter below and you will get the free downloads immediately, right to your inbox.

By taking the time to spring clean your Google Drive and organize your Teaching Resources, you’ll be able to save time and be more efficient in your work as an educator. Download the free Google Drive folder template and get started today!


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