STEM, Laugh, Repeat: Low-Prep STEM Challenges to Build Connections and Kickstart Your School Year with a Bang!

Let’s be honest—nothing quite compares to the mixed emotions of the back-to-school season. There’s the excitement of fresh beginnings, the slight panic of summer ending too soon, and, of course, the overwhelming urge to turn your classroom into something straight out of a Pinterest board. But here’s the secret sauce to starting your school year off right: building strong connections with your students from day one. And what better way to do that than with a few engaging, low-prep STEM challenges?

You don’t need a ton of fancy materials or hours of prep time to pull these off—just a dash of creativity, a sprinkle of humor, and a willingness to let your students take the lead. So, let’s dive into some STEM challenges that will help your students bond, learn, and (most importantly) have fun as they ease back into the school groove.

STEM-tastic Icebreakers – Get Your Students Talking and Tinkering

Breaking the ice with a group of students is like playing a high-stakes game of Jenga—one wrong move and things can get awkward fast. But STEM challenges? They’re the perfect way to avoid the dreaded “tell us about yourself” moments. Instead, try these low-prep activities that get your students talking, tinkering, and working together right off the bat.

Challenge 1: The Marshmallow Tower

Materials: Spaghetti, marshmallows, tape, string

The classic Marshmallow Tower challenge is a staple in the world of STEM—and for good reason! It’s simple, requires minimal materials, and it’s perfect for fostering teamwork. Divide your students into small groups, hand out the supplies, and challenge them to build the tallest tower they can—with a marshmallow perched on top.

Why It Works: This challenge encourages creativity, problem-solving, and communication—all essential skills for any budding STEM enthusiast. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for students to get to know each other’s strengths and quirks.

Challenge 2: Paper Airplane Contest

Materials: Paper (different types if available), tape, markers for decoration

Paper airplanes might seem old school, but they’re a great way to introduce basic principles of aerodynamics. Have your students design and build their best paper airplanes, then hold a contest to see whose plane can fly the farthest. Add in some friendly competition with categories like “Best Decorated” or “Most Likely to Crash.”

Why It Works: This activity allows students to explore trial and error, experiment with different designs, and learn from each other—all while having a blast. It’s a fun, hands-on way to break the ice and get students excited about the upcoming school year.

Digital STEM Challenges – Tech-Savvy Fun with a Purpose

While hands-on activities are always a hit, sometimes it’s nice to bring a bit of tech into the mix—especially if you’ve got access to devices and the internet. Here are a couple of digital STEM challenges that will engage your students’ brains without breaking your budget or your prep time.

Challenge 3: Minecraft EDU – Recreate Your School

Platform: [Minecraft: Education Edition](

Minecraft EDU is more than just a game—it’s an entire universe of educational opportunities. Start the year with a collaborative world-building challenge where students work together to recreate your school in Minecraft. They can design classrooms, playgrounds, and even add fun, imaginative elements that aren’t in the real school (like a secret underground lab or a rooftop garden).

Why It Works: This challenge is perfect for helping students get familiar with their school’s layout (especially for younger students or those new to the school). It also promotes teamwork, creativity, and spatial awareness. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to build a sense of community as students collaborate on their digital masterpiece.

Challenge 4: Coding with

Platform: [](

Introduce your students to the world of coding with’s interactive activities. Here are a couple of specific games to get them started:

- **[Dance Party](**: Students can create their own dance party by coding characters to move to the beat. This activity is great for introducing coding concepts in a fun and engaging way.

- **[Minecraft Hour of Code](**: For students who love Minecraft, this activity allows them to explore the world of coding by solving puzzles and guiding characters through challenges in a Minecraft setting.

- **[AI for Oceans](**: This game introduces students to the basics of artificial intelligence by teaching them how to code a machine that helps clean up the ocean.

Why It Works: Coding is an essential skill in today’s tech-driven world, and makes it accessible and fun for all learners. By incorporating these specific coding challenges into your STEM curriculum, you’re helping your students develop critical thinking skills while also setting them up for future success.


Group STEM Challenges – Building Connections, One Problem at a Time

The magic of STEM is that it brings students together, encouraging them to collaborate and problem-solve as a team. Here are a couple of group challenges that require minimal materials but pack a powerful punch when it comes to building connections and fostering a love of STEM.

Challenge 5: The Cup Stack Challenge

Materials: Plastic cups, rubber bands, string

In this classic team-building activity, students work together to stack cups into a pyramid using only rubber bands and string. The catch? They can’t touch the cups with their hands! This challenge is all about communication, collaboration, and a whole lot of patience.

Why It Works: The Cup Stack Challenge is a brilliant way to build teamwork and communication skills, as students quickly learn that success depends on their ability to work together effectively. It’s also a fantastic way to introduce the concept of engineering design in a fun and accessible way.

Challenge 6: Egg Drop Challenge

Materials: Eggs, various building materials (straws, tape, cardboard, etc.)

The Egg Drop Challenge is a STEM classic that never gets old. Give your students a variety of materials and challenge them to design a contraption that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a height. This challenge is perfect for groups, as it requires brainstorming, planning, and plenty of trial and error.

Why It Works: The Egg Drop Challenge is an excellent way to introduce engineering concepts while also fostering creativity and collaboration. It’s also incredibly satisfying to see a successful drop—and equally valuable to learn from the not-so-successful ones!

As you prepare to welcome your students back to school, remember that STEM challenges aren’t just about science, technology, engineering, and math—they’re about building a community of learners who support each other, think critically, and aren’t afraid to take risks. By incorporating these low-prep, high-impact activities into your back-to-school routine, you’ll set the stage for a year of growth, connection, and, of course, plenty of laughs.

So go ahead, Ontario teachers—dust off your spaghetti towers, fire up Minecraft EDU, and get ready to kickstart your school year with a STEM-filled bang. Your students (and your stress levels) will thank you!


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