8 Resilience-Boosting Tools to Survive and Thrive in the First Week of School (No, Really!)

Bright classroom with "8 Resilience-Boosting Tools for Teachers" in pink writing

Hey there, fellow teachers!

It’s that time of year again—the first week of school. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, we all know the start of the school year can feel like running a marathon with a backpack full of bricks. But fear not! I’ve got your back with some tried-and-true ways to help you survive (and maybe even enjoy) that first week. Grab your coffee (or your preferred survival drink), and let’s dive into some game-changing tools and strategies to make this year’s kickoff your best yet!

1. Calm: Because We All Need to Breathe (Especially Around 3 PM)

First things first, let’s talk about staying calm. We’ve all been there—trying to juggle introductions, classroom management, and remembering not to call your students by your dog’s name. The Calm app is my go-to for quick mindfulness breaks that reset my sanity levels and it’s free for teachers! A two-minute breathing exercise can be the difference between a meltdown and a manageable moment. Plus, it's a great tool to introduce mindfulness to your students. Just imagine: a room full of peaceful, zen-like kids (and maybe even you, too)! Learn more here.

2. Startup and Shutdown Rituals: Free Download to Start and End Your Day Right

If there’s one thing that has kept me grounded during those chaotic first weeks, it’s having a solid routine to start and end the day. That’s why I’m excited to share my Startup and Shutdown Rituals free download with you! This guide helps you kick off each morning with intention and wrap up each day with reflection, setting you up for success both in and out of the classroom. Think of it as your daily reset button, keeping you focused and resilient. You can grab it for free on my website—consider it my little gift to help you navigate the school year with confidence.

3. Habit App: Setting the Right Tone from Day One

New year, new habits, right? The Habit app is perfect for tracking those little goals that can make a big difference in your teaching life. Whether it’s remembering to hydrate, taking five minutes to reflect on your day, or, dare I say, planning ahead for the next week (gasp!), this app helps you build habits that stick. After all, if we’re teaching resilience, shouldn’t we practice it too? You can also use this all to remind you to Meditate using Calm or to plan out your Startup and Shutdown Rituals above.

4. Brain Dump Printable: Because Sometimes You Just Need to Get It All Out

Have you ever felt like your brain is a cluttered filing cabinet, overflowing with lesson plans, seating charts, and that random idea about a classroom pet? (Just me?) Enter the Brain Dump Printable. This free tool is my secret weapon for decluttering my mind and organizing my thoughts. Think of it as a spring cleaning for your brain. Plus, it's free to download from my website—grab it and let the brain dumping begin!

5. Year Start Mastery: Get Organized, Stay Sane

Now, onto something I created with you in mind: the Year Start Mastery guide. My Year Start Mastery program is designed to equip teachers with the essential tools and strategies needed to cultivate self-care, set clear boundaries, define your teaching mission statement, uphold your core values, master effective planning, establish classroom expectations and routines, manage behaviours, and create and protect your energy throughout the year. It’s all about starting strong and staying resilient! Think of it as your first-week survival kit. Trust me, you’ll wonder how you ever started a school year without it.

6. Daily or Monthly Teacher Self-Care Journal: For When You Need a Reminder That You’re Human Too

Let’s be honest, teachers are incredible—but we need to take care of ourselves so we can take care of others. My Daily or Monthly Teacher Self-Care Journal is designed to help you prioritize your well-being amidst the chaos. It's a gentle nudge to check in with yourself, reflect on your day, and remember to breathe. Because, let’s face it, we can’t pour from an empty cup. Here are the links for the Monthly Self Care Journal and the Daily Self Care Journal.

7. Empower Your Students Day: Because They Deserve to Shine Too

The first week isn’t just tough on us—it’s a big deal for our students, too. That’s why I created the “Empower Your Day” toolkit. It’s filled with activities designed to boost your students’ confidence and resilience. With engaging slideshows that feature step-by-step instructions, discussions about emotions, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and daily highlights, your students will stay motivated and focused. The toolkit also includes daily worksheets that align perfectly with the slideshow lessons, allowing students to apply what they’ve learned in practical and meaningful ways. Additionally, our comprehensive teacher resource guide provides detailed instructions and expert tips to help you implement the toolkit effectively, whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out. But that’s not all—Empower Your Day also prioritizes student well-being with weekly emotion reflections and a goal-setting tutorial to enhance communication and collaboration between students and their support networks. A resilient classroom is a happy classroom, and these activities are a great way to start!

8. Join Our Resilient Rebels Facebook Group: We’re in This Together!

And last but certainly not least, don’t go it alone! Join our Resilient Rebels Facebook group—a community of like-minded educators who are all about sharing, supporting, and lifting each other up. Whether you need advice, a listening ear, or just a space to vent, we’ve got you covered. Let’s build resilience together—one post at a time.

So, there you have it—eight ways to make your first week of school a little less stressful and a lot more awesome. Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about showing up, trying your best, and giving yourself (and your students) grace. Here’s to a resilient and fantastic school year!


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