Intentional Journalling with Positively Happier Podcast

Last year I wrote a journal for pre-teens and teens called ‘Be Your Best Self Now.’ To learn more about it, check out my blog post all about it. I was really excited about it as I had been working on it for 2 years so when my friend Alayna asked me to be on her new podcast to chat about my journal, I was thrilled.

Alayna and her long-time best friend Jessie started Positively Happier Pod: A podcast about focusing on the good, and being happier every day.

The Positively Happier Pod started in October 2020 and they have new episodes every single week. These episodes cover a range of topics such as Self-Care during the Pandemic, Shore Leave, Scheduling Joy in your day and so much more but whatever they are talking about, these amazing women keep it fun, authentic, and positive.

If you want to tune into a fun, lighthearted podcast this is the podcast for you. I tune into this podcast each week and always find myself happier after listening, literally laughing out loud, and feel like I’ve had a great conversation with my girlfriends.

If you’d like to tune into my episode all about my intentional planner for teens and teaching in a Pandemic you can tune in here.

To learn more about Positively Happier Pod, check out their website, follow along on their Instagram, or add them to your favorite podcast platform.


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Teaching Online in a Pandemic Broke me