Feeling tired? Try a Morning Routine

I’ve been really focusing on getting to know myself more and what I need to feel my best. It is a learning process that has taken years to create and is always in the works. 

I have learned a bit about morning routines and evening routines through Instagram. I feel like every self-care guru is talking about them. I listened to the Positively Happier Pod about how routines for bedtime set you up to have a better night’s sleep and of course, having a morning routine would set you up feeling better for a good day. Another great morning routine resource is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It discusses different people’s morning routines and gives you ideas of what a morning routine looks like and what some options are. I found The Miracle Morning really showed me that morning routines are very personal and can be customized based on your life and what season you are in. A morning routine is what you want it to be not what you think it ‘should’ be.

I started thinking about what I need to have a successful morning and start my day. I found the perfect (and free!) app called Routines.

It helps you set up Morning and Evening Routines easily with great suggestions and you can add your own ideas too!

When you select all the items you want to complete in your morning routine, you ‘Add to Routine’ and then it takes you to this screen where you can put them in whatever order you choose.

When you have what you think works for your morning routine, try it out for a week and see if you need to rearrange any of the tasks. Playing with the tasks and putting them in a flow that works for you will help you be consistent with the routine.

Above is my morning routine. I don’t do all the tasks every day but I do the main ones that give me some time alone to feel my best. I love the checkmark feature. I don’t know about you but checking off things makes me so happy. Once you are finished with your task, you can check it off.

The coolest thing about this app is the reflection tool. After your morning routine, it asks you to reflect on how you are feeling, how overwhelmed you feel and more. After using it for a while, you will notice your energy, stress, and mood levels in the app and how they change.

I definitely find when I take the time to wake up early to do my morning routine, I feel calmer throughout the day.

Let me know what you do for your morning routine. What works for you?


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